I’m NOT a Multifunctional Failure
This is the most painful thing I can do when I’ve hit rock bottom. And perhaps the last thing I do while still listening to my intuition.
I have no idea what comes next.
Unwanted Love
It was intuition that brought me here — to a complete dead end in my life. No money, no job, no love.
Four years ago, I followed my intuition and left home, walking away from my family for an unyielding love for someone I believed was my Twin Flame. Though my love was unreturned, I could no longer lie to myself or my husband that this unexpected, fiery love would fade.
After battling this unwanted feeling for over a year, I gave in and let my intuition guide me into prolonged solitude.
Growth Through Pain
Over four solitary years, I underwent a profound personal transformation.
I grew spiritually, learned to set boundaries, stopped being a people pleaser, found ways to support myself financially, and helped provide for my kids. I discovered inner peace, learned to appreciate life’s simple joys, and my values shifted radically. I feel as though I’ve stepped into a near-future version of being a human.
I’m grateful to my intuition for helping me, through immense inner pain, to become the person I am today.
Chasing Dreams
Six months ago, guided by intuition, I quit a job that provided me with a stable income.
At first, I had no idea what I would do next. But deep down, I believed that God would show me the way. And slowly, He began to. I started painting, and after months of intensive experimentation, I developed a technique I absolutely love.
Following my intuition, I also began writing on Medium and started building a business to help understand future humans and create a world tailored to them. It all felt so fitting and meaningful.
Intuition wouldn’t let me look for a job. Stoically, I answered questions from those around me and resisted the pressure, firmly believing I was on the right path and that everything would turn out fine.
What’s Next?
I must admit that I’ve reached a dead end.
Acknowledging this is deeply painful because it means admitting that my intuition was wrong. No matter what I do, I feel stuck — things simply aren’t moving forward.
The worst part is, I don’t know how to keep going. After four years of living by intuition, I’ve forgotten how to return to the 3D reality of living guided by logic.
Has anyone else experienced something similar? Could you share any advice?
After sharing this story, I had a couple of the most emotionally challenging days of my life.
During those days, I saw a deeply hidden shadow within me — pride. I realized that it was pride that had constantly held me back, not letting my dreams come true, no matter what I did.
So, my intuition wasn’t wrong after all. It purposely led me into circumstances where, in the end, I could see this dark side of myself. That’s why I adjusted the title, adding “NOT.”
Therefore, this story remains as a testament to my R.I.P. pride.
PS: As soon as I managed to clear up the inner chaos, the very next day I had a conversation about a potential permanent income. I believe I’ve managed to overcome the biggest block that was holding me back.