Living with Faith: Believing in the Impossible
By writing this story, I risk being misunderstood, seen as naive, or even judged. So be it.
Either way, this is one of those things I do by following my intuition. That’s how I’ve been living for the past five years.
And maybe, right now, you need to hear this—to find the courage to live your own life.
The Most Painful Choice
Because of childhood wounds, I spent nearly 40 years as a people pleaser—doing what others expected of me while completely ignoring my true desires.
My life turned upside down when, despite being in a safe and stable marriage, I fell deeply in love with another man.
I tried to forget him, and my husband and I did everything we could to save our marriage.
But this love was too strong. I was left with only two choices:
- Shut my heart completely, so I would never feel anything again. Because the moment the smallest crack appeared, love would flood through it with full force.
- Allow myself to live with an open heart—and in doing so, destroy the life I had built, hurting those around me.
As a lifelong people pleaser, the second option felt unbearably painful. But in reality, I had no choice.
Living with a closed heart would have been the equivalent of death—not just spiritually, but physically, too. The more I suppressed my feelings, the worse my body suffered: chills, unexplained pain, allergies.
I Wanted to Live
A deep, unshakable hope told me that I could have the life of my dreams.
The final turning point came when I realized that the man I had fallen for was my Twin Flame. From that moment on, I could no longer deceive myself or my husband—this love wasn’t going anywhere.
I chose the unknown. A path full of fear and pain.
I faced judgment and pressure from those around me, but I didn’t give in.
God was always by my side, sending people who supported me exactly when I needed them.
The Power of Faith
The journey of Twin Flames is incredibly complex. They must face their fears, break through inner barriers, and learn to love themselves before they can be together.
Physically, these were the most painful years of my life. But spiritually, they were the most transformative.
Had I known in advance what I would have to endure, I wouldn’t have dared to walk this path.
That’s why I wasn’t allowed to know.
Only hope and faith kept me going.
I lost them a hundred times—drowning in pain and doubt.
And a hundred times, I pulled myself up from rock bottom to try again.
We Were Never Close
My beloved was in another relationship.
Can you imagine knowing, deep in your soul, that someone is meant for you—seeing the love in their eyes—yet watching them push you away?
I know what you might be thinking—that this is just the fantasy of a lovesick woman.
So be it. I made peace long ago with the fact that those who haven’t experienced this can’t truly understand.
But no matter what, I feel a deep calling to share my story. Even though it’s terrifying to do so.
To open the most hidden corners of my soul for all to see...
The Rock Bottom
Eventually, our paths diverged. I could no longer see him, even occasionally. But hope kept coming back.
I knew the path of Twin Flames, and my experience only confirmed it.
My deepest heartbreak came when I learned that he had gotten married and had a child. I blamed God and the Universe—why was I being tormented like this? Why did I have to endure this pain?
And yet, once again, God helped me. He shifted my focus toward new goals and personal growth.
The Pain Broke Me Free
Because the heart-wrenching pain had become my constant companion, I learned to live with it.
I learned to cry without bursting the blood vessels under my eyes.
I learned to recognize when emotions were rising from the depths of my soul—and how to release them.
I understood that this recurring heartache was setting me free. With each wave of pain, I became a better version of myself.
I learned to live with an open heart and mind.
And though sometimes I still get emotional remembering it all, I feel an immense gratitude for everything I have been through.
I wouldn’t change a single moment.
Because those moments shaped me into who I am today.
And now, I can help others navigate their pain.
Love Is Still Alive
If you’re wondering whether I still feel hope and love for my Twin Flame, the answer is YES! More than ever!
I now understand that every experience I endured was necessary to prepare me for the greatest love possible in this physical world.
I believe that a happy ending is still waiting for me.
But at the same time, I am happy—right now, in this very moment.
Helping Others
If you’ve read this story to the end, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I believe it means something to you.
If sharing my pain and unwavering hope has brought you even a little comfort or inspiration, my heart is full of gratitude.
And if you are going through a difficult time and need support—reach out to me.
Together, we will find a way to help you through it.